Curiosity: How We Lose It and Why We Need It Back

Monday, July 11, 2022, 8:40 AM - 9:30 AM

Harvard Business Review recently called “curiosity” the “Gold Rush” word of the moment. By cultivating curiosity, we can be more innovative, engaged, and productive – and so can our students. 

But up to now, there hasn’t been much research about what inhibits curiosity and how to increase it. Enter keynote speaker Dr. Diane Hamilton. The curiosity story, she says, starts at the beginning when we are children and have an insatiable desire to learn and explore everything. But our curiosity levels (along with our creativity) peak around the age of five and decline dramatically by the time we are adults. What happens to it? How do we get it back? How does curiosity relate to the Micro Mindset and our ability to empower students? 

During this session, Dr. Hamilton will share her groundbreaking research and discuss: 

  • How the four factors of FATE can impact curiosity
  • How unspoken misconceptions hold back adults and children from achieving their full potential 
  • How to identify and become curious about our own FATE and develop strategies we can use to overcome them